Thursday, June 4, 2009

When the Path Chooses You From Chicken Soup for the Soul: Power Moms

Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.~Sophocles

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008, marked the beginning of my first summer as a stay-at-home mom. It is a strange feeling not working. I enjoy it, but I also feel a little guilty. I know I am still working but having "home" as my only responsibility is foreign to me. My days are now filled with dishwashers, laundry and bike rides. It's almost like I'm cheating the system. Until I remember what put me in this position.
When my younger daughter, Alexa, was six months old, I returned to work full-time. I took a position that was thirty-two hours per week, teaching morning and afternoon preschool classes. I did my job poorly and I was deeply depressed. It wore me out.
There were two key reasons for my depression: Alexa had recently been diagnosed with encephalopathy (a disease similar to Cerebral Palsy), plus I had the sickening cost of day care to deal with. I barely made ten dollars an hour and I was paying almost three hundred dollars per week for childcare. Most months I brought home about two hundred bucks after childcare and taxes. There were a couple of months when I was in the red on payday. Suffice it to say, I was a mess.
Then came Alexa's sixteen-month check-up at the end of February. I told our pediatrician that her left eye was floating. On closer examination, he agreed, wrote down the description in medical terminology and told me to mention it when we saw the neurologist the next week.
Neurologist check-ups always began with a chart review. He noticed she had undergone an MRI the previous July and that he had never seen the report. This was likely caused by a glitch in the radiology system. For some reason the films he ordered had been sent to Alexa's plastic surgeon. I could tell from the look on his face that the report was bad. I began to panic when he said, "I can't believe I haven't seen this until now."
If I was struggling before, I was drowning now. Did I mention my husband was working two states away? And I was in the middle of parent-teacher conferences at work. My mom stepped in and got Alexa to her MRI that week. I took calls from the neurosurgeon between Kindergarten Readiness meetings.
Alexa has an arachnoid cyst in her brain. Arachnoid cysts are pockets of fluid that form in the lining of the brain. Hundreds of babies are born every year with them and many never know about them their entire lives. Alexa was not so lucky. It is the educated guess of medical professionals that her disabilities are directly and indirectly related to this cyst. The cyst was originally found at eight weeks of age on an MRI. Her neurologist at the time sent us directly to a pediatric neurosurgeon for a more detailed evaluation. At that time, the cyst was small but precariously positioned. He felt that the risk of surgery far outweighed the current minimal dangers.
Now all of the risks were real. The cyst was pressing on her optic nerve. It was located in the operation center of the brain. Apparently, when she had a growth spurt, her cyst did as well. We were now dealing with a huge potential for debilitating sensory and motor function loss. The cyst was on the right side, thus explaining the left eye issue. To make matters worse, she had increased hydrocephalus (abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain).
It was on a Friday afternoon as I was finishing up the conferences when I received the call I had been dreading. Our neurosurgeon told me quite plainly that the danger was high and that he had scheduled her for surgery the following Monday. "Wait!" I shouted, "Her dad is not here." After a few moments he said that as long she was not showing any signs of distress we could postpone it until Dad came home, but not a moment later.
Those three weeks between that call and her surgery were pivotal. It was at that time every year that I received my intent form for the next year of work. My poor performance as a teacher was noted and it was made clear to me that I was welcome to continue my morning class or take an opening in day care. Under no circumstances would I be hired to teach two classes.
This hurt my feelings, because in the past I had based my self-worth on my job. When I did well at work I felt good about myself as a person. I knew I was a productive member of society. Now all bets were off. My value was tied as much to my kids as it was to my job. I knew being a wiped out zombie every day after work was not quality mothering. I engaged in heavy-duty soul searching. Then came marathon late night phone calls to my husband about our budget. It took us seven days to make a decision.
I checked "I do not plan to return to my position at this school for the 2006-2007 school year" on my intent form, and signed on the dotted line. I was both relieved and frightened. I knew that I was not surviving the limbo. I knew it was best for my girls for me to not be perpetually stressed. I knew Alexa needed to be in a more loving environment during the day.
Her surgery came and went. Alexa is a tough kid and she improved overnight. Her therapists noticed better coordination and her unexplained fussing ceased. She could sit up longer. Her left eye settled down. She was happier and so was I. I stayed at the school through the summer. I worked a tiny part-time job the following year so Makayla could take swimming and gymnastics lessons at a reduced rate. I left in August of last year.
I became a full-time stay-at-home mom shortly before Labor Day, 2007. It hasn't been easy but it has been worth it. My girls know where I am most hours of the day. We can splash in the pool, we can bake, and we can cuddle whenever we want. After all that we have been through, I think I will easily get used to seeing the rewards of my work on the faces of my children.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We plan and God laughs

Well, another day, another pot of coffee (or three). I finally had to get out of the house and be with other humans again. Sooooo, here I am at It's a Grind with all the real estate agents, retirees and cops surfing the web.

I don't really have much going on right now except trying to stay sane while John is not working. He has a line on a few jobs but is kind of concentrating on school right now. He has decided to go for his BS in Construction Management since work is off so much and he has the time to devote to it. We both figure that he might as well due to the tuition being discounted 40% if he does it right after he gets his AA (only one more term left). Not to mention that he has found that he really likes school and further schooling can only make our situation better once this recession lifts.

I have finally reconciled myself to being a mom so I am looking at having more kids. I REALLY, REALLY want a normal little girl(s) and I am going to do whatever it takes to do it. Life is too short to worry about what if's and what might have been's so I am going to do what I want to do and damn the torpedos.

I am finally happy being me and letting things be as they will be and not worrying about things that I can't change (David, Meghan, Craig, finances, etc.). My life has been one big "You had to be there" jokes and I am finally learning the wisdom of the saying "We plan and God laughs". I have realized that when I do what I want to do and make myself happy, everyone around me seems to be happier and my whole household becomes much more peaceful. Don't get me wrong, I still have to nag the guys to do stuff but I also know that if I have to nag A LOT, it isn't worth the stress that I feel and I have two choices-1. Leave it and don't worry about it or 2. Do it myself and enjoy the feeling of having it done.

David is doing much better (as far as much better gets with a 16 year old boy) and Craig is working almost every day so I don't have to put up with him more than a few hours at night and even then, he is usually outside drinking beer and smoking (neither is allowed in the house). Summer vacation is almost here and David will be gone most of the time at his best friend's house or at the pool so it should be pretty nice. John and I are back on track since I stopped drinking and hiding out from everyone. I realized that I am a binge drinker like my father and most of my family so I just decided that it wasn't worth being miserable and pushing away everyone that I loved. Anyway, drinking wasn't making the boredom and whatever else that I was trying to aleviate any better and it was making my anti-depressants not work right.

Anyway, life is good, the coffee is hot, the sky is blue and the surf is up (internet surf lol).


Monday, May 11, 2009

Another Mother's Day Come and Gone

Well, another Mother's Day come and gone. I can't really complain because I didn't have to do anything that I didn't want to until bed time and I finally got flowers around my tree in the front yard. I spent all day organizing my stickers and finally hanging them on my pegboard so that I can see them and actually use them YEAH!! And more good news, John is going to work today ALL DAY because he finally took my advice and did cold calls to all of his Hixson Handyman clients. It may only be one day of work but he makes more in one day than some people make in a week so it will definitely help. That means that I will have the whole house to myself today and after I do a ten-minute tidy, I get to play all day and watch whatever I want on tv. Of course I also have some errands to run but that is a given and not entirely unpleasant. Oh, and I got one other Mother's day present that I have been waiting for since Meghan was diagnosed, someone who has a Peter Pan child too (a teenage girl with Autism Spectrum Disorder and developmental age of 3-4 just like Meghan). Finally someone who gets it that I can talk to like I used to talk to Mom. Unfortunately she is in the UK but today, that hardly matters. Well, I will sign off now and watch the news before I start my 10 minute tidy so that I can PLAY!!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Craftaholics Anonymous

A 15 Step Recovery Program for the hopelessly addicted

1. I will not stuff craft supplies in every corner of my house;
2. I will not keep nine projects going at one time.
3. I will not pick up more embellishments when I have a ton at home.
4. I will not let my crafting area look like a condemned area.
5. I will not relegate the kitchen table to crafts.
6. I will not spend more time with my online “family” than with my real family;
7. I will not stock up on more craft supplies just because I think I need them;
8. I will not go off on a tangent when anyone mentions that little word "e-bay "
9. I will not let my crafting distract me from fixing dinner; or any other occasion like giving birth, getting married; etc. because "I am almost done";
10. I will not stay up all night crafting.
11. I will not save dryer lint, empty cereal boxes, detergent scoops, minuscule pieces of paper, because “I might be able to use them”;
12. I will not spend more on a crafting tool than I would on a new car;
13. I will not salivate at the thought of a craft shows, or garage sales;
14. I will not accept glitter as a normal part of my daily facial treatment or decor;
15. I will not make promises that are impossible to keep.

Quiet, Rainy Saturday - Beautiful

Hey all,

Just a peaceful Saturday at home watching Disney movies (National Treasure, Pirates of the Caribean) and making cards. John is at school, David is with his uncle and Meghan is with respite (who knows where Craig is - no news is good news). Sooooo, I finished my first card today and thought I would post it here. I am going to try to post the cards that I make here so that I can refer my family and friends here to see what I am doing.


PS If I made anyone angry by my past posts and my up and down moods, I sincerely appologize. When I post my problems and/or questions on my page, I am not asking for a magic cure for my problems. I am only trying to unload here so that I don't bottle it up inside and make myself and everyone around me miserable.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Beautiful Day - Hope it stays that way

Hello All,

Just a note to all about what is going on in the Hixson clan. David seems to be doing well with his new classes and we are definitely seeing improvement in grades and behaviour (knock on wood). He is going to turn 16 on the 28th so if you can, give him a call and tell him happy birthday. Also, I am doing better now that it is getting warmer and nicer outside. I have been walking to the park everyday with Gabby and walking the trail (1/2 mi). The park is on the way to school for David so I leave at 7:30a and if David is ready, he can walk with me. This has proved to be motivation for him to get his butt out of bed and ready on time so that he can walk with me. Not to say that he doesn't have his good days and bad days but we are starting to have more good days than bad days and that is a huge improvement.

On the marriage front, John and I are doing really good and spending A LOT of time together but that isn't exactly good for our finances. You see, John has not worked for almost a month because the work just dried up all of the sudden. Please pray for John and his dad to start getting more work as we are just barely scraping by on just my and Meghan's income. He has made a webpage and is putting signage on both of our vehicles as well as printing out flyers to put on cars and front doors. He is also posting an ad in Craigslist everyday but so far we haven't had any luck. John's dad has never advertised before because he has never needed to since starting the business in 1971 but this economy is beginning to hit home on even established companies. Sooo, I am now in the position of head cheerleader trying to keep John's spirits up and not let him get depressed about the lack of work or go stir-crazy because we have to stay home so much (no money means less outings :( )

On a better note, we have started dancing again at a place on Del Paso Blvd and we go as much as we can afford and when we have someone to watch Meghan. That is why I started walking again, I need to build up my stamina. I used to be able to do three tush-pushes in a row, drink a bottle of water and go back on the floor for more. Now one tush-push is almost more than I can handle and that is not good. I am not even 40 yet so I am not ready for the rocking chair.

Well, I am going to go now so that I can get dressed. John and I are going to go to Mongolian for lunch and get out of the house (all you can eat for not much $$$).


PS I am doing a lot of card-crafting so I am going to get my most recent work scanned in and put up on my blog so you can see it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just venting, nothing to worry about

Hey everyone,

Well, after getting all of that off my chest, eating lunch and taking my afternoon nap (I try to get one in everyday) I am feeling better. Always remember when you read my blog that it is sort of my public diary and I use it to vent so that I wont do it verbally and say something that I don't really mean. Honestly, I am happier now than I have ever been. I know that sounds wierd after my previous post but it is true. I am in a 4 bedroom house in the burbs within walking distance from the best park I have ever seen (it even has a dogpark for small dogs). I have a gorgeous husband who is smart, funny and sometimes even puts the seat down :) I have two kids who, while they have thier probs, have never been arrested. Finally, I have my crafts and they are what keep me sane. Having kids like mine is the biggest, fastest, most harrowing rollercoaster ride you have ever been on and you have the highest of highs and the lowest of lows within minutes so you have to hold on and scream when you need to. So, dont worry about me. Just letting me know that you read my blog shows that you care and that is exactly what I need, just to know that I am not alone. You don't need to understand or even know the answer to my probs, just listening is enough. Love ya all.


Good news and bad news

Well, I just went to David's IEP (Independant Education Plan) meeting and he has officially been put on an IEP due to his emotional issues (depression, adhd) as well as his academic ones. I know that that is a good thing because now he will get the help from the school district that he needs both emotionally (counseling) and academically (smaller classes with extra help). My brain knows that and is dealing with it pretty well but my heart is not dealing with it as well as my brain. Now that both of my kids are on IEPs and in special classes, I REALLY feel like a failure as a parent both in nature as well as nurture (more nature though). WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY GENES!?!?! Both my kids have different fathers, I had completely opposite pregnancies, labor and deliveries with them. They are even different sexes. The only common factor in them is ME!!!
I realize that alcohol is a really bad way for me to cope with stress but it is one of the quickest and I am really trying not to use that particular crutch. Sooooo, here I am pouring out my heart via words and hoping that that with do for the time being. I am soooo not one to cry at the drop of a hat but I am having a hard time keeping the tears in. One of the problems is that I am feeling particularly selfish right now and that is making me feel guilty. This is really not about me but about my kids but . . . . .
I really miss my Mom.
I also realized at the IEP that since David was able to get into the IEP program with the issues that he has and since I had the EXACT SAME ISSUES THROUGHOUT SCHOOL, I could have also been helped but, unfortunately, I slipped through the cracks just like my brother and I have had to deal with that alone without any help for over 30 years.
I yelled at John today because the phone was cut off because we forgot to pay the bill and I finally paid with MY money and then when he called me, he told me that HE also paid it so now we are paid up on the phone bill but are almost $300 poorer and this is not a good time for that because John is struggling to get work. It wasn't his fault that we both did the same thing at the same time but he was the most convenient vent for me and that was wrong on my part.
I just wish sometimes that life wasn't ALWAYS SOOOOOO HARD. I could use a little bit of easy in my life but that doesn't seem to be in the cards for me. I know other people have some easy in thier lives and it makes me really frustrated and jealous. Especially when I see people who have 5 kids all doing well in school, living in a nice house with nice cars and nice jobs after having nice normal childhoods and I wonder why they are so lucky. What did they do right that I have so obviously done so wrong?
I am trying to get this all out of my system now so that I can put on a HAPPY FACE when David comes home so that looks at this IEP as a positive thing and not a negative thing. Well I am going to sign off, make something to eat curl up in my Snuggie and watch the news.

See ya